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Our Top 3 Labor Positions

Our Top 3 Labor Positions

Mama, pregnancy is a transformative journey filled with many choices, and one of the most important decisions you will make is your labor position.  

Choosing the right birth position can help you manage labor discomfort, aid in efficient labor progression, and encourage optimal fetal positioning. Additionally, the labor position you choose can lead to a smoother and less complicated birth, reducing the need for medical interventions.  

As each women’s body is different, one labor position that is ideal for one woman, may not be for another. Therefore, it is paramount that you know the various positions available to learn what is comfortable for your unique body.  

Being informed about the options allows you to tailor your birthing plan to what feels right for your body. It can lead to a more empowered and positive birthing experience. 

To help you, in this blog, we will explore the top three labor positions known as hands and knees, toilet sit (backward), and Side Lay release. Each of these positions offers distinct benefits that can help facilitate a smoother labor and birthing process.

At Stork Helpers, it is our mission to empower you with knowledge and encouragement to have the birth experience that is best for you and your baby.  

Keep reading to learn what we believe are the top three labor positions and discover how they can benefit your birth experience. 

giving birth on hands and knees

Hands and Knees 


The hands and knees position, also called the all-fours position, is a popular birthing posture involving being on your hands and knees. In this position, you place your palms flat on the ground and align your knees directly under your hips, forming a stable quadruped stance. 

During birth, this posture allows for optimal alignment of your baby inside your pelvis, thereby facilitating an easier and more comfortable descent through the birth canal. This can help reduce the chances of medical interventions such as vacuum, forceps, or c-sections. 

The hands and knees position utilizes gravity to your advantage. With your back in an arched position, the force of gravity assists in the downward movement of your baby, making the contractions more effective and potentially shortening the duration of labor. 

Additionally, being in this position helps alleviate back discomfort during labor. The rounded back formation can help counterbalance the pressure on your spine, providing relief and improved comfort. 

The hands and knees position allows for greater flexibility and mobility during labor. You can freely rock your pelvis, sway your hips, or change your posture as you need, promoting a more active and empowered birthing experience. 

birth position on a toilet

The Toilet Sit (Backward)  


Sitting on the toilet backward, also known as the "dilation station", is a birth position where you sit facing the toilet tank, rather than facing the toilet bowl.

Sitting on the toilet backward allows your pelvis to open widely, promoting an easier and more comfortable birthing experience. This position encourages your pelvic floor muscles to relax, reducing tension and potential obstructions during birth. Additionally, the upright and forward-leaning posture that arises from sitting on the toilet backward can help align your baby's head with your cervix, potentially facilitating a smoother and quicker labor process. 

The dilation station position enables gravity to assist in the descent of your baby, making use of the natural forces rather than working against them. The upright posture can help the pelvis naturally widen, allowing for optimal space for your baby to navigate through the birth canal. Sitting on the toilet backward also provides the freedom to move and change positions easily, as you can utilize your arms for additional stability and control. 


Side lay Release 


The side lay release position involves lying on your side with your legs in a "bent-knee-hips-open" posture, providing a comfortable and supportive position for labor. 

One of the key benefits of the side lay release position is that it helps to open your pelvis, allowing for easier descent and progression of your baby. This position minimizes the impact of gravity, promoting relaxation of your pelvic muscles and reducing the pressure exerted on your back. As a result, this position can help alleviate discomfort, providing a more comfortable and manageable labor experience. 

The side lay release position allows you to have more control and involvement in the birthing process. This posture enables you to intuitively move and adjust your body as needed, facilitating a sense of empowerment and autonomy during labor. It also provides an ideal environment for effective communication between you and your support team, allowing for better coordination of efforts and enhancing your overall birthing experience. 


Choose Your Labor Position with Stork Helpers 


Stork Helpers understands the importance of choosing the right labor position for a smooth and comfortable birthing experience. We are here to support and encourage you as you navigate this decision-making process. 

When choosing your labor position, it is essential to consider your preferences and the progress of labor.  

Many women find that different positions help alleviate discomfort and provide a sense of control during childbirth. Whether you prefer standing, squatting, sitting, or being on all fours, we are here to guide you in finding the position that works best for you. 

Our team at Stork Helpers consists of experienced and knowledgeable professionals who will help you explore the various labor positions available.  

Register to learn more about the types of labor positions in one of our birth classes!  

Additionally, we offer practical support during labor, ensuring that you are comfortable and confident throughout the birthing process. We are committed to being your constant support system, providing encouragement and guidance as you make this significant choice. 

Trust us to help you achieve a positive and fulfilling birth experience. 

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